Dr. Peterka the New York Fertility and IVF Director carried out her initial training at University of Connecticut. She started treating female patients with pelvic dysfunction before and after pregnancies and also restored pelvic restoration. Worked closely with natural IVF cycles and treated patients throughout their pregnancy for lower back pain or any pain associated with pregnancy. Dr Peterka has worked closely with Dr. Vincent Brandeis in specialized cases of older aged women Dr. Peterka has worked very closely with Dr. Zeitoun to make miracles happen Dr. Peterka is the patients liaison and walks you from start to finish through the process, makes you feel important and makes every experience with the patient enjoyable during this emotional time. Dr. Peterka will explain in detail the process of IVF freezing egg freezing IUI anything pertaining to fertility and will make Sure your experience with Dr. Zeitoun is a smooth transition. She is the backbone of New York Fertility and IVF .